Everything for the weaver, spinner, knitter, felter and dyer...

Everything for the weaver, spinner, knitter, felter and dyer...

Saturday, January 25, 2014

I found my knitting mojo...

The first question should be, "how did you lose it"? About a year and a half ago, I injured my rotator cuff while imagining I was still in my 20's and playing volleyball. It impacted most everything I did, including knitting. The good news was that I could still spin and weave if I didn't overdo it. Seriously? Fast forward two winters of shoveling snow, one summer of mowing the lawn, theraband exercises, ibuprofen, massage, and basically soldiering on. I'm much improved.

I had been looking at a drifting color (gently segueing from one color to another) sock yarn that had been on the shelf for sale for over a year. Nobody wanted to take it home but I had dreams for it. I pictured a classic pullover sweater in that yarn and I went on a search for a pattern. I couldn't find one. There were patterns for sweaters using sock yarn but they included stranded knitting, modern "art" sweaters, decidedly unattractive patterns, etc. None fit what I imagined in my head. So I scooped up the yarn, started knitting, and wrote it all down as I went.

Here's the finished project:


I was really excited by this project and immediately started another sweater knit from the same pattern but using some of my handpainted cashmere blend sock yarn in the Very Berry colorway. 

I'm almost done with this one and I'm just as pleased, if not even more. I love the softness of the yarn, the colorway, and how light weight it is. Apparently my husband likes it too because he's asked me to make him one next. Here's the colorway he picked out:

I guess it was a combination of feeling better, dreaming about a project, and getting excited about the finished sweater. Welcome back knitting mojo!


  1. Oh, those rotator injuries are the pitts, aren't they! I had some signs of overuse last year, not as bad as yours, and it seemed to take forever. And like you, can't just sit doing nothing! There are hex signs to cut, draw and paint, gardens to be planted, tended, picked, food to be put by... not to mention wool to be spun. Glad you got your mojo back and love the sweaters!!

  2. Thanks Jj -- you understand me perfectly!

  3. I need to find time to come visit again soon. Are you up to doing any spinning classes soon? I have been busy combing my Angora bunnies and have a collection of fiber growing, but have yet to be able to get it to spin. I have a bit of luck putting it with wool, but by itself... well I just don't have the knack yet and think I need direction.

  4. We can certainly set up a class to try and get you up to snuff with your angora fiber. Email me at info@purplefleece.com or call.
