Everything for the weaver, spinner, knitter, felter and dyer...

Everything for the weaver, spinner, knitter, felter and dyer...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Follow-up on the Yarn of the Month Club

The Purple Fleece Yarn of the Month Club went live a few days ago. I had a number of intrepid knitters sign up right away and that really warmed my heart. It was great to see the first subscription come through because then I knew the subscription link on my website actually worked! So much of this shopping cart stuff is trial and error but I digress to a previous blog post.

The first Yarn of the Month was my new kettle dyed "Witch's Brew" merino yarn. It's color is called Emerald City and there are a variety of hues in the yarn. This photo really doesn't do it justice but I think you can see those color changes in the yarn.

This first group of subscribers also received a Purple Fleece pattern for the Wool Tam and a recyclable purple bag that I had made which says "ask me where I got my bag and yarn".

I've gotten very positive comments back from the people that have already opted in. So what's next? I can't tell you because that would ruin the secret but I can say that I'm very excited about my next concoction....

1 comment:

  1. The yarn looks beautiful! And how nice to include other treats.
